

  • Seal Wobbler 1 Seal Wobbler 2

    Seal Wobbler

    Watch as baby pushes the PlanToys Seal Wobbler in delight as it gently tumbles, wobbles, and rolls. This Seal is weighted to help it upright itself for repeated fun. This item encourages visual development for babies and is a great toy to accompany tummy...

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  • Walrus Wobbler 1 Walrus Wobbler 2

    Walrus Wobbler

    Watch as baby pushes the PlanToys Walrus Wobbler in delight as it gently tumbles, wobbles, and rolls. This Walrus is weighted to help it upright itself for repeated fun. This item encourages visual development for babies and is a great toy to accompany...

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  • Woodpecker Walker 1 Woodpecker Walker 2

    Woodpecker Walker

    As the Woodpecker Walker is pushed, two bird heads peck up and down while making a playful sound. This can inspire kids to walk around and move more! Watch as the pair of woodpeckers take turns pecking the walker as it is pushed Inspire children to move...

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  • Pull Along Musical Bear 1 Pull Along Musical Bear 2

    Pull Along Musical Bear

    Watch as the talented PlanToys Pull-Along Musical Bear plays music while you pull him alongside you. While in motion, the bear hits a xylophone to make unique musical sounds that stimulate toddlers learning how to walk. If the rope is pulled to the side,...

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  • Push & Pull Puppy 1 Push & Pull Puppy 2

    Push & Pull Puppy

    This playful puppy is the perfect toddler companion! It comes with flexible functions - including a tilting puppy face and click-clack sound while moving. Additionally, the wooden handle can easily be removed from the body for free play. Develop fine...

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  • Plip Links 1 Plip Links 2

    Plip Links

    Push them together to build something amazing, like a rainbow chain, a swirling sculpture, a goofy character, or anything else you can imagine. Then, pull them apart to hear the most satisfying "POP!" Part open-ended construction, part fidget fun, Plip...

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  • Bottle Rattle

    Bottle Rattle

    Get ready to rattle and roll with the Bottle Rattle! This teething toy features a soft bottle nipple, perfect for soothing sore gums. With colorful beads and auditory stimulation, it also helps little ones learn cause and effect. And the best part? It's...

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  • Activity Ball Activity Ball

    Activity Ball

    A large fabric covered inflatable ball with six multisensory activities and colourful ribbon tags. Activity Ball is soft and lightweight for fun ball games and for baby to cuddle while exploring the textures and sounds. Activities include a squeaky...

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